The excel men ministries is a safe and uplifting place for men of different ages ranging from young adults to elders. This ministry is devoted to keeping men instilled in the ways of Christ as they grow through different stages of their life from being bachelors to devoted fathers. We conduct various events from socials to business conferences all geared to empowering men by challenging us to be men of integrity and commitment despite social pressure and setbacks. The difference in age groups creates a platform where every man can talk freely about whatever they might be going through and they are being advised by mentors in specific sectors to guide them.
This a ministry for all men, married, and single. Know there is a place for you here. The Ministry is divided into age groups 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60-69. For effective assimilation, please Call Yinka Filani at 862-322-9136 or David Toluhi at 317-490-9553
This ministry was created with the sole purpose of engaging as many women ranging from young adults to grandmothers with bible studies, fervent prayer sessions, and detailed conferences to guide and direct them to be the virtuous women they were created to be. At the jewel ministry, women are made to be warriors on their knees. It is a place where every woman can come with all their goals so they can be surrounded by women with the same unending zeal and positive energy. The Jewels aims at guiding women towards attaining a balance between being a wife, a devoted wife, and a resourceful woman.
Our goal as a ministry is to ensure that our youth nurture authentic faith in Christ that they will carry on into their adulthood. We accomplish this by connecting with the youth through HOF:
• The House of God,
• Opportunities to meet with Christ and,
• Faith based Community Involvement.
Mustard Seed children ministry is committed to creating a safe, educative and fun environment for your kids. Our goal is to grow leaders of tomorrow by loving God and loving people. Our Vision is to minister to the heart of each child, in support of the home, and to instill God’s word into the heart and mind of each child.
Our goal as a ministry is to ensure that Grandparents have a place where they can be comfortable, learn, grow and enjoy their time!
Our vision is to empower young adults to thrive in every aspect of their lives while in their season of singleness.
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